Friday, March 12, 2010

Baldness vs. really short hair for men: no difference, or what?

It seems to me that there is no reason to hurry the onset of baldness, so why do guys so often crop off all their hair, getting precisely the same effect? (They look as if they are all being treated for head lice.)Baldness vs. really short hair for men: no difference, or what?
It saves on shower time and soap. It is also much cleaner. I used to work in heavy industrial plants and the amount of filth and grease and chemicals I was washing out of my hair when I had it long was just amazing.

It was also so much faster to dry when it was short.This matters when It is thirty below outside.

Long hair is fine for fashion, but for work give me quick dry wash and go hair anytime.Baldness vs. really short hair for men: no difference, or what?
Because it looks good.
they gay? iono. =].. jk... hope i dont offend anyone

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